Training Tips
Gail DeStefano
Long Island Riding Lessons has moved to the North Fork!
Imagine yourself on your horse early in the morning, and in the air is a hint of spring. The sky is clear and a gentle breeze kisses your cheeks. The spring birds echo your presence as your horse and you quietly make your way across the 60 acre Highwind Farms grounds. In the distance, you watch a small herd of deer playfully darting among the outer edge trees. Ahhhhhhhhhh, life is good!
Highwind Farms located in Mattituck, is a hidden treasure. The moment you step onto the property you are quickly transported into another world. The sprawling 60 acre equestrian center is home to Susan Lomangino and Tom Yovino. The spectacular Highwind Farms was completed in 2003 and includes a large indoor which makes for year round riding. The stable itself houses 26 horses in large, airy, matted stalls. Large individual paddocks, each with their own "lean to" keep the horses happy. Looking beyond the turnouts, your eyes look far into the distance as you stare at acres and acres of ridable land.
In the barn, workers are bustling around spotless aisles cleaning stalls, dragging the ring, and cleaning horses. Many times you will find Tom (when he is not riding) with pitch fork in hand or Sue sweeping the aisle after working one of her horses. The heated lounge overlooks the indoor and back paddocks, and on the shelves are trophies won by Susan, Tom and boarders. Tom met Susan many years ago when Tom let Sue sit on his champion, the "Great Simon Says," The rest is history.
Sue, Tom and Highwind are well known in the reining world. They are experienced National Reining Horse Association Non-pro Reiners who have exhibited all over the country. When the sport of Reining was first recognized by the USET, Sue was asked to try out to represent the US. Last year another trophy was added by Steve Borgia who won the Rookie Class out of 125 other horses at the Ohio QH Congress. He won on his horse (Aldo) whom he had recently bought from the farm. Kristen Aiello, also a boarder, made them proud when she came in 7th in the nation, in the 14 and under class with her horse "Doc".
Reining is not the only discipline you will find here..
Highwind Farms is an all-inclusive professional equestrian facility that offers: Boarding, Training, Instruction, and the sale of some of the nicest horses on the Island. Dressage, Reining, Natural Horsemanship and Hunter-Jumper lessons are offered year round from beginner through advanced. You do not have to own your own horse to learn to ride; the stable has a versatile school horse line and nice horses and ponies to lease.
During their "Summer Riding Program for Youth," you might find the kids sweet talking the two adorable burros to come over and eat some carrots or the kids might be cooling off one of the ponies in the outside wash stall, while accidentally hosing each other.
In the warmer months, the outside riding rings have some of the best views of the farm with the added bonus of a soft wind coming off of the near by bay. What more could you ask for? Clinics you say? But of course! Highwind has opened their doors to clinicians in all disciplines. For more information about Long Island's hidden treasure "Highwind Farms" and upcoming clinics, go online to: www.highwindfarms.com
Long Island Riding Lessons has a new home now at Highwind Farms and we would like to thank the owners, boarders and staff of Highwind for giving us such a warm welcome. Everyone has been more than helpful. The relaxing atmosphere that surrounds the stable is working its magic on my horses, my students, and my boarders. If you look up the word "home" in the dictionary it reads:
At home in one's home, at ease, in the family, at rest, familiar, being oneself, before one's own fireside, homey, in the bosom of one's family, down home, in one's element, comfortable. An environment offering security and happiness
All I can say is: "Honey, we're home!"